Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Refunds for Franchise Fee for the FAS Program

  • If a team rescinds its application prior to the established deadline, a total refund will be given.
  • If a team rescinds its application prior to the established division seeding date but after the established deadline will be given a total refund minus a $50.00 administrative/processing fee.
  • If a team rescinds its application prior to one month before their season start, a total refund will be given minus a $100.00 administrative/processing fee.
  • If a team rescinds its application between one month and two weeks of the season start, they will be refunded 50% of their total franchise fee.
  • If a team rescinds its application after two weeks prior to the scheduled season start, no refund will be given.
  • If Fairfax County Park Authority closes fields due to the pandemic at the beginning of the season: if fields are open by May 1, the season will proceed in full. If fields are not open by May 1, FAS will issue full refunds for any teams requesting them.