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All softballs used in FAS play must be optic yellow; all Men's softballs must be Dudley Thunder Hycon.

Click the image above for information about what softballs are legal to use in FAS games and to order by the dozen.


Game Reschedules

Weather Cancellations:

When weather or field conditions cancel a game, FAS makes every effort to reschedule the games the next business day.  Priority is given to the normal night of play, however, FAS can reschedule games to any night of the week based upon field availability in order to complete all games by the end of a season.  Any games that were forfeited in advance will be rescheduled unless otherwise requested if the field was unplayable at the time of the game.

Reschedule Requests:

  1. You may reschedule your game from what is currently posted on the FAS website provided:
  2. You contact your opponent and request their agreement to reschedule; opponents contact information is located on your manager home page under the “Search” gray tab.
  3. You call/email FAS and get alternative available dates
  4. You and your opponent mutually agree upon an alternative
  5. Most importantly, both teams must notify FAS by phone or email of the mutually agreeable alternative date by close of business (5:00 pm) TWO BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE GAME. 
  6. PLEASE NOTE: once the game is rescheduled to your mutually agreeable alternative date, it cannot be changed again except for a rain-out.Failure of both teams to notify FAS by the above date results in the game not being rescheduled and left as currently posted on the FAS website.
Game Day: Reschedule Completed by:
Monday Previous Thursday
Tuesday Previous Friday
Wednesday Previous Monday
Thursday Previous Tuesday
Friday Previous Wednesday
Saturday or Sunday Previous Thursday

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