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All softballs used in FAS play must be optic yellow; all Men's softballs must be Dudley Thunder Hycon.

Click the image above for information about what softballs are legal to use in FAS games and to order by the dozen.


Become a Volunteer

Program Support

FAS staff needs the support of volunteers to help run 7 tournaments a year, one benefit bowling tournament and a few fairs/promotional events. Tasks would include taking pictures, selling raffle tickets, handing out league information, roster checking and working booths at fairs/events. If you are interested, and would like to give a couple hours, a few times a year, please contact the FAS office to volunteer your services.

Board of Directors

Each year, FAS holds its annual meeting as required by the Commonwealth of Virginia. One purpose of this meeting is the election of the Board of Directors. The Board is the governing body of the Corporation. It establishes the policies and rules for the operation of the Corporation and provides direction concerning the financial and administrative operations of the Corporation consistent with the Bylaws. A person must be on a roster of a team that was registered with the Corporation in the previous year to be eligible to serve as a Director. In order to maintain the success of the program, and to continue to generate new ideas and prospective, we encourage all to consider serving on the Board. The Board meets seven times each year. Every board member is expected to attend Board meetings and to volunteer to serve in making each of the FAS-sponsored events a success.

League Coordinators

The FAS President is responsible for appointing a league coordinator for each league within the FAS program. The larger leagues have several coordinators and the small leagues may have only one. Coordinators are responsible for assisting with the development of each league and most importantly, serves on the committee responsible for seeding teams into their respective divisions. This is done each Spring, Summer, and Fall. Coordinators also serve on the Tournament Committee. If you have an interest in working as a coordinator, please contact the FAS office to find out more and to volunteer!

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